Thursday 21st March 2024

WISH Spring Newsletter 2024

Welcome to our Spring newsletter! It’s been such a busy quarter for everyone at WISH that I hardly know where to start….

WISH Spring Newsletter 2024

Welcome to our Spring newsletter everyone. The weather is improving, the  clocks will be springing forward very soon and the daffodils are in full bloom – what’s not to love about this time of year?

It’s been such a busy quarter for everyone at WISH that I hardly know where to start….

In January we closed our annual WISH survey and analysed the results. Can I say a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who took the time to complete it. Your views really do matter and they will shape and inform our activities over the next 12 months. We have created an infographic from the results.


We shared some of the key survey findings around gender inequality as part of our press coverage and social media activity on International Women’s Day. And we were delighted that our press release alongside a blog from our President Tracey McEachran was widely published in the housing sector press.

The results, as you can read in the article below, provide a stark reminder that our work is necessary and highlight that our Presidential campaign, #HearHerVoice, is very relevant. 

In January we also held our CIC Board Strategy Day, spending some quality time and focused energy evaluating our vision, purpose and objectives and setting priority actions for the next three years.

Our VISION is a housing sector where everyone can flourish.

Our PURPOSE is to empower women through our networking activities, championing equality across every discipline of the housing sector.


  1. Networking – To empower and inspire women, supporting and enabling them to succeed through our regional and national networking events.
  2. Career Development – To build confidence and motivation for women at every stage of their career in the sector; from starting out to progression.
  3. Positive Influence – To be thought leaders in the sector, championing equality through our campaigns and collective voice.

Moving onto our celebrations for International Women’s Day and the word that springs to mind is WOW! What fantastic regional celebrations we had. So many events, both in person and online, really well done to all of our fantastic regional boards – you are all amazing!!


Looking ahead and there is so much to look forward to…

We have been working collaboratively with Page Executive and in the summer of 2024 we will be launching the opportunity for some of our members to be part of a free, national, career mentoring programme – women supporting women to further their careers in the sector.

We have been working closely with women working in social housing in Ireland and we anticipate a launch of WISH Ireland later this year, which we are very excited about!

And of course later this year we have our usual free networking events aligned to the national housing sector conferences. Tickets are always very popular so please keep your eyes on the website for further details. And we must say a HUGE thank you to our sponsors of these events.

So, happy Spring to everyone and whilst Spring is a lovely time of year here’s to the weather springing into summer soon!


Read the full WISH Spring Newsletter here..


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