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Tuesday 16th March 2021
Lovell Breaking Ground for Women in Construction
The construction industry is widely reported to have the worst gender balance of any UK industry, with just 13% of all workers being female. As the 8 March 2021 celebrated International Women’s Day with the theme ‘Choose To Challenge’, Lovell is celebrating its year-round commitment to improving gender equality.
Monday 8th March 2021
Nicola Dibb reflects for International Women's Day
More than 22 years after founding WISH, Nicola Dibb is stepping down from her role as Exec Director. Here she reflects on how a powerful message from her mum helped inspire a movement in housing that has touched the lives of thousands of women.
Monday 8th March 2021
Surviving Marmite sandwiches, gardening, children and being authentic. Chin-chin IWD2021.
This has been the hardest blog I have ever had to write. I can either say very much: 2020, a pandemic, first year in an executive role, the pre-Christmas curve balls and straight into the start to 2021, home schooling while working full time… I could write War and Peace.
Friday 8th March 2019
Being your best self: finding your personal balance on International Women's Day
#Better for Balance is the theme for this year's International Women's Day and you can see me strike a pose for IWD19 at the top of the post! It's a really relevant business issue. Creating gender balanced boardrooms, business leadership and workforces is a topical issue highlighting a need for continued focus on helping women achieve their ambitions.