Monday 21st October 2019
Our October London event was a huge success with many people turning up to listen to our speaker, Alexandra Galviz (Authentic Alex). Alex has been named as the top Linkedin voice in the UK 2017 and 2018.
She spoke about her journey from a career in Canary Wharf to becoming a Linkedin influencer.
She is an expert in shaping a Linkedin profile and imparted many tips on how to improve your personal Linkedin brand, make new connections to a captive audience.
Then at the end of her presentation she showed us all how to connect via Linkedin with everyone in the room in minutes!
“Was a brilliant event and my first one too! Alexandra Galviz was such an amazing speaker. I am lookimg forward to attending many more Wish events in the future.” Sarah Jane Hunt
“Great #wishlodon event this evening hearing from linkedin’s ‘top voice’ for the last 2 years, Alexandra Glaviz. Some useful advice on how to leverage your brand…remember….#keepitauthentic.” Sarah Narracott
A huge thank you to our hosts Goodman Masson for welcoming us into their offices and working hard to ensure the event ran smoothly.