Thursday 25th March 2021
WISH London board got the New Year off to a good start by kicking off January with a WISH Wednesday that we will continue to do every month. It is an initiative, started by the fabulous North East board. Given how tired everyone is of lockdown we have found our monthly board meetings a supportive space for us to come together and plan what we hope our members will find inspirational events.
In March to celebrate international women’s day we had our very own Caroline Pillay as a guest speaker. Caroline is a Senior Partner at Airey Miller Partnership and was recently appointed Chair of Homes for Lambeth. Caroline inspired us with her personal story of leadership the lovely quote at the bottom of this news letter comes from an attendee Adwoa Owusu-Banahene.
The link to the video is on the London page of our website and our twitter page @WISHLondon if you too would like to be inspired -
This month also saw the release of two podcasts from a collaboration between Young Wish and CIH futures, a big well done to Kemi our Young Wish lead for all her hard work and two very inspirational podcasts. If you would like to listen to the podcast you can find the link on our London events page.
The London board through Kathryn Gundry continue to introduce housing as a great career pathway into schools. Kathryn our education lead has produced a video that can be shown to school pupils of any age. I wonder in the future how often we will still hear, “I fell into housing as a career!”
Our next event will be a WISH National event with a focus on diversity, we have fantastic line up for the panel featuring our very own MD Helen Greig, seats will be limited so sign up via the Wish website events page.
Finally if you haven’t come along to one of our events yet as you feel network virtually is not for you, then think again. A comment from Jean at our last event, “networking like this is so much better for me as I am not in a corner reluctant to approach anyone.” But don’t just listen to me watch the video and you can hear Jean yourself.
Comment from a Linked in post by Adwoa Owusu-Banahene.
I attended an inspiring and empowering event with WISH London
Thanks Caroline Pillay sharing your incredible journey into leadership and giving us that energy to keep going.
Thanks to Tracey McEachran for coordinating a great event and power networking sessions.
We ended by coming up with one advice we would give to a woman. There were many empowering advice that came from the fantastic women that were part of the event.
The one advice that is really resonating with me at the moment is 'To be your Authentic Self'. Don't be afraid to be transparent and show vulnerability.