Tuesday 13th July 2021

WISH North East Summer Newsletter 2021

Read the latest summer news from WISH North East region...

WISH you were here, a journey towards equality.

By WISH North East


Women in Social Housing (WISH) North East, a networking community for housing professionals in our region, has asked its members what they want from an employer and a workspace in an important journey towards equality.

The WISH list initiative launched as part of International Women’s Day 2021 and the responses shouted loud and clear that there were key themes and common expectations of women working in social housing and were discussed with members in a recent event.

The key themes identified from the WISH list are: Culture – trust, flexibility and choice, Influence – being heard and understood, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, and Authenticity – keeping it real.

The WISH North East board have been working hard to make sure the list isn’t just a gimmick, but is used and supported by organisations as a way of empowering women working with them.

Crystal Hicks, chair of the WISH North East Board said:

“We’re proud to represent women working in Social Housing, we offer an opportunity for women to network with like minded people, feel supported and develop in their career.

“The WISH list isn’t owned by us, our members have spoken and we want to make sure that they are heard. So, we’re launching the WISH list officially as part of an ongoing series of work that encourages employers to empower the women they work with. We’ve had conversation with lots of our corporate members and their support for the WISH list is overwhelming.”


Some of the largest Housing Associations in the North East have pledged their support to the WISH list, they include; Broadacres, Gentoo, Believe, Thirteen Group, North Star, Karbon Homes, Bernicia Homes and Beyond Housing.

Angela Lockwood, CEO of North Star, told us:

“The WISH List is hugely helpful in setting out what women need from their employers to fulfil their potential and be the best they can. It just makes sense for both parties and the gains are obvious. I know employers will want to get behind it. North Star is hugely supportive of this campaign and will get behind it and drive it on, as I am sure will others. Let’s see with a collective effort just what we can achieve”


Paul Fiddaman, CEO of Karbon Homes added:

‘The WISH List captures expertly the kind of cultural transformation that is required to enable the many talented women in social housing to achieve the success and recognition that their abilities deserve. The positive benefits of a diverse and inclusive culture are well documented, and it is well past time to deliver!’


If you want to learn more about the WISH list, how you can empower yourself, support your colleagues or get more actively involved with WISH NE, you can follow us on Facebook: WISHNorthEast, Twitter: @wishnortheast, Instagram: wishnortheast or contact [email protected]

You can also use the hashtag #WISHyouwerehere on social media to show your support for the WISH list.


For more information, please contact:

Crystal Hicks, WISH North East Chair, on [email protected]

Photo captions:

WISH North East Board Members

Notes to editors:

Women in Social Housing (WISH) is a fun networking community offering encouragement and support for every woman.

We believe there is power in the individual, but also great strength in the collective. We want to create opportunity, impact change and build a unique network, with women mind.

Our motivation, at our heart is to create a lasting legacy we can all be proud of within the UK housing sector: by challenging gender inequality and the gender pay gap, by encouraging new and existing female talent to remain in the sector and by boosting one another through our career successes.

Focused on championing positive and beneficial outcomes for all women regardless of role or experience, we are a Community Interest Company aiming to boost women’s future in housing - with a difference! We offer a network of immense value through a choice of 10 regions, each hosting at least 4 fun and informative events a year along with a multitude of benefits for members and sponsors alike.


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