Tuesday 25th July 2023

WISH North Wales Summer News 2023

We had an excellent turnout at our launch event in May, it was lovely to meet so many of our members in person. Find out more about what else is in store for WISH North Wales... Cawsom y nifer fawr yn ymuno yn ein digwyddiad lansio ym mis Mai, roedd yn hyfryd cwrdd â chymaint o'n haelodau mewn person. Darganfyddwch fwy am beth arall sydd ar y gweill ar gyfer WISH Gogledd Cymru...

WISH North Wales Summer News 2023


WISH North Wales Launch Event, 'Women Mastering Change' - May 2023

What a fantastic Women in Social Housing (WISH) North Wales event it was in May! Thank you once again to our generous sponsors AECOM Adra & Castle Green Homes for helping make it all possible and to everyone who came along for a wonderful morning of networking and connection (not to mention the incredible croissants!) and an extra big thank you to the amazing Bernie Davies DEI Adviser Author Tedx Speaker Coach Mentor who provided so much positivity and a truly brilliant event!

We had an excellent turnout, it was lovely to meet so many of our members in person.

Bernie Davies

Bernie is an award winning speaker, bestselling author, and champion of diversity and entrepreneurship with a career spanning over 20 years. Bernie is also the first black woman to have been appointed as an Advisory Panel Independent Member for the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. She is has also been voted one of the top 100 businesswomen in Wales and is a mentor and coach for businesses around the world. Recently appeared on ITV Wales on the Face to Face programme where she talked about her life and work.  



Newyddion Haf WISH Gogledd Cymru 2023

Digwyddiad Lansio WISH Gogledd Cymru, 'Merched yn Meistroli Newid' - Mai 2023

Am ddigwyddiad gwych gan WISH Gogledd Cymru oedd ym mis Mai! Diolch unwaith eto i'n noddwyr hael AECOM Adra & Castle Green Homes am helpu i wneud y cyfan yn bosibl ac i bawb ddaeth draw am fore bendigedig o rwydweithio a chyfle i gysylltu (heb sôn am y croissants anhygoel!) a diolch yn fawr iawn i'r Ymgynghorydd, Awdur, Mentor a Siaradwr Tedx yr anhygoel Bernie Davies a roddodd gymaint o bositifrwydd a digwyddiad gwirioneddol wych!

Cawsom nifer dda o bobl yn bresennol, roedd yn hyfryd cwrdd â chymaint o'n haelodau wyneb yn wyneb.

Bernie Davies

Mae Bernie yn siaradwr sydd wedi ennill gwobrau, yn awdur poblogaidd ac yn hyrwyddwr amrywiaeth ac entrepreneuriaeth gyda gyrfa sy'n ymestyn dros 20 mlynedd. Bernie hefyd yw'r ddynes ddu gyntaf i gael ei phenodi'n Aelod Annibynnol Panel Cynghori ar gyfer Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Cymru. Mae hi hefyd wedi cael ei hethol yn un o'r 100 uchaf menywod busnes yng Nghymru ac mae hi yn fentor ac yn hyfforddwr i fusnesau ledled y byd. Yn ddiweddar, ymddangosodd ar raglen Face to Face to Face ar ITV Wales lle bu'n siarad am ei bywyd a'i gwaith.   



Events Coming Soon...

Visit our Events page here

On Wednesday 9th August at 10am we are delighted to be hosting an event at Eisteddfod Llyn Ac Eifionydd in Boduan, to celebrate the contribution of women in the housing and construction sectors, as well as wider public services. 

To rsvp, please use the QR code or click on this link

I ymateb i’r gwahoddiad, defnyddiwch y QR code uchod neu cliciwch ar y linc yma

We are also planning an online event in September and a Christmas in person event at the end of November. Keep an eye on our Events Page and social pages for further Event details! 

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