Would you like to post a job or Non-Executive Board position with us?
All vacancies are advertised on JOBS BOARD THURSDAY across our social media accounts and shared by our Regions. Discounts available for WISH members.
To find out more click here
We're looking for a Senior People Advisor to join the Believe Housing Team on a 6 month fixed term basis.
We’re on the lookout for a Business Continuity & Resilience Specialist to join the believe housing team on a permanent basis.
We’re on the lookout for a Senior IT Technician to join the believe housing team on a permanent basis.
We’re looking for an inspiring L&D professional to join the Culture Team to design and deliver a broad range of creative learning initiatives.
We have a brilliant opportunity for you to join us as Technical Quality Manager, working as an integral part of our project team before and during the construction phase for our new homes programme.
We’re on the lookout for a Property Repairs Services Manager to join the believe housing team on a permanent basis.