Would you like to post a job or Non-Executive Board position with us?
All vacancies are advertised on JOBS BOARD THURSDAY across our social media accounts and shared by our Regions. Discounts available for WISH members.
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Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association is seeking a skilled Governance and Compliance Manager to join our team. This role is pivotal in ensuring that our organisation adheres to all governance standards and compliance regulations, upholding our commitment to providing quality housing in full compliance with SHR regulation within the Highlands. Reporting directly to the Chief Executive, this position offers the chance to work with a dedicated team focused on positive change and improvement.
We are looking for new Board members to sit on our parent company Board. This role offers the opportunity to lead on the strategic direction of this growing company, play a key role in delivering high quality services to our customers, define goals and targets, and implement our ambitious Corporate Plan.