Would you like to post a job or Non-Executive Board position with us?
All vacancies are advertised on JOBS BOARD THURSDAY across our social media accounts and shared by our Regions. Discounts available for WISH members.
To find out more click here
First Choice Homes Oldham (FCHO) have an exciting opportunity for a Customer Excellence Officer to join our friendly Customer Excellence team to provide a comprehensive, sensitive and effective complaint service for a period of 10 months
Join First Choice Homes Oldham (FCHO)’s dynamic repairs team on a permanent basis, delivering repairs to a local customer base where you can really make a difference.
Are you looking for a fantastic opportunity to make a difference and help our older residents at our Muir Living scheme remain living independently for longer? Are you passionate about excellent customer service? Do you want to work for a values-oriented organisation? If so, this post could be the one for you.
We have an exciting opportunity to join our Governance and Risk team and to take the lead for the effective and efficient management of our Strategic and Operational Risk Registers.
We're looking for a new Executive Director of Finance to be part of this journey. Reporting directly to the Chief Executive, the Executive Director of Finance will play a key role in ensuring the financial health and sustainability of the organisation, supporting a high-performance culture, strategic growth and contributing to the overall mission of providing high-quality housing for customers.
We’re looking for a new Executive Director of Property to be part of this journey. Reporting directly to the Chief Executive, you will play a pivotal role in ensuring our existing portfolio of 12,000 homes are safe, decent, and well-maintained while driving growth through strategic partnerships and developments.
If you share our values of Hope Empathy Acceptance Respect Trust and have a heart for making a difference in the lives of vulnerable homeless people, please contact us about a rewarding opportunity to join our friendly Board.