Friday 6th July 2018

WISH North Wales Summer Social

WISH North Wales Summer Social with a difference on 14th June was a great success thank you to everyone that came along to our Summer Garden Party and got involved in all the action and games.

WISH North Wales – Summer Social


WISH North Wales Summer Social with a difference on 14th June was a great success thank you to everyone that came along to our Summer Garden Party and got involved in all the action and games.


This year we decided to host something a little bit different with a selection of team building activities including a one hundred foot long assault course, gladiator dual and outdoor games including rounders. It was an adrenalin and fun filled team building event with something for everyone and we are delighted that everyone who attended enjoyed all the activities.


The event raised over £200 for our chosen charity Gorwel, a Business Unit within Grŵp Cynefin. Gorwel’s main focus is to provide support services in the field of domestic violence and homelessness prevention. Gorwel‘s projects include refuges, supported housing schemes, children and young people services, support in the community and independent domestic violence advisory service.


Thank you to our hosts for the evening, Care & Repair North East Wales (CARNEW) and their fantastic facilities based at Rowley's Drive, Shotton. CARENEW is a service which provides advice and practical assistance to older or disabled people regarding repairs, improvements or adaptations to their homes. Their aim is to provide a quality service to enable older or disabled people to remain independent in their own homes in safety, comfort, warmth and security.



Upcoming Events


We have a diary of events coming up including:-


06th September – Governance : The Real Story , The Good , the Scary and the Opportunities
Location TBC – Colywn Bay area


25th October – You Are What you Tweet.
This session will be all about Developing your Personal Brand and will be led by Joel Sampson of CommsHero. Find out how to tread that fine line between the personal and professional, how to make social media work for your career, how not to become a digital slave plus tips on mastering Twitter.


30th November – Christmas Social Event
Details to be confirmed.


January 2019 – What a Difference a Year Makes.
Current President of CIH, Alison Inman, has a long, illustrious career in the public sector and has made significant contribution to all spheres of the housing sector. Alison will share her experience of her year’s term as President of CIH and her achievements in the role as well as her career journey and what is left to achieve. Alison is a passionate, engaging and charismatic speaker and we are in for a real treat




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